Delicious Dining - 2

Holiday dinners are the perfect occasion to gather with family and friends, and celebrate with simple comforts and pleasures. While the menus may differ, holiday dinners remain the perfect opportunity to show off your festive style.

As the demands of our already busy lives continue to grow, holiday dinners remain an important aspect of our lives. They’re a time when relationships are strengthened, the importance of family and friends are emphasized and we can provide our guests with a warm and friendly environment in which to celebrate. The simple pleasures of comfortable dining chairs, relaxing after dinner lounges, and your unique style of table settings and decorations provide the perfect environment for family and friends to settle in and enjoy the festivities.

Featured Items

  • Tulip Table Round - Carrara
    Tulip Table Round - Carrara
    C$1299 MEMBER
    C$1732 REGULAR 
    C$1732 SALE