After much research I pulled the trigger and purchased two Eames Lounge Chair replicas from Rove Concepts. We opted for the black aniline leather with the Rosewood Palisander. They had a 10% off sale during the same dates as Herman Miller, so delivered we paid about 3k for both, the HM would have been about 5.4k each with discount. I came across a number of other replicas and rolled the dice hoping that the more expensive version would be the best. Upon delivery the box's and packaging were in perfect shape and well protected. There was not a scratch or defect on either of the chairs, and they both look great. The constructions seems solid, but time will tell. They are very comfortable to sit in, I'm 6'1 so if I slide down just a bit I can rest my neck on the back and lounge, comfortably at that. My wife being a bit shorter finds the chair to be the perfect size and loves it. There is the "flex" when sitting, so it's not super stiff. I love them!! I've always admired the original, have sat in them a few times over my life but couldn't tell you if I'm missing anything with what we chose, again we love them. Why the replica? Price. If you've got the money to buy the original God love you and enjoy. I have a 2 year old that I can apply the savings to her college fund and not freak out to terribly bad should she choose to tag it with some crayons or markers. Hope this helps for those looking.